One Simple Technique is the Key to “Super Memory”

The ability to achieve what is referred to as a “Super Memory” dates back to Ancient Greece and has proven to be a powerful tool for building recall and mental elasticity.  

Individuals participating in the World Memory Championships can memorize five hundred numbers or a hundred words in five minutes.

The comparative examination of the brain on 23 memory champions and 23 people with average memory initially showed significant differences in the connections of the brain.

However, when the second group had already trained for four months, the new comparative examination of the brain then showed much greater similarities.

Thanks to the techniques discussed in this article, neuroplasticity or the ability of the brain to adapt, the brain of a person with an average memory were adapted and showed similarities to a memory champion.

The process used to achieve these lasting results is called creating a Memory Palace and it is discussed in more detail in this informative article.